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Company News | November 2015

PMI 20 Upcut SawSURKUT Machine Technology Inc. has added the PMI-20 High-Speed Upcut Aluminum saw to their expanding lineup of impressive equipment.

It is designed for cutting aluminum profiles quickly while maintaining accuracy.  The upcut saw features a cutting capacity of 5.905" (round) and 13.188" (width) on a (X) 35.6" x (Y) 35.6" table.  Learn more about the new capability by visiting our Equipment page.

"This addition allows us to expand and diversify our product and service offering to new and existing customers who have come to rely on us for high-precision and high-speed machining services over the past ten years," says Keegan Noxell, Vice President of Business Operations.

Contact Us today to see how we can help you and your comapny with your machining needs.

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